PSHE: Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

The Minster Junior School follows a spiral curriculum which builds skills year on year. Throughout the year, three core themes are covered:

  • Autumn – Relationships
  • Spring – Living in the Wider World
  • Summer – Health and Wellbeing

There are additional focus weeks that run over the year related to national programmes: Anti-bullying Week, World Mental Health Day and Children’s Mental Health Week. Drugs Education: This is embedded within the broader PSHE education programme and children are taken on a learning journey of awareness and understanding suitable for their ages within the Junior School.

The statutory content for Relationships Education includes families and people who care for me; caring friendships; respectful relationships; online relationships and being safe. The statutory content for Health Education includes mental wellbeing; drugs, alcohol and tobacco; health and prevention; basic first aid; changing adolescent body; internet safety and harms; physical health and fitness and healthy eating.

Withdrawal from Sex Education: Children may be withdrawn from elements of Sex Education which are not covered in the Primary Science Curriculum.

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