The Minster School is a fabulous place for learning. I am so happy with my child’s progress at this school. She has gone from strength to strength and her confidence has leapt forward. A truly wonderful school!
The Minster Junior School is a Church of England Academy within the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Multi-Academy Trust (SDBE MAT).
We have Collective Worship every day. We teach Bible stories from the old and new testaments. We also teach about other faiths. We love hearing from our children about their festivals and celebrations from Easter to Eid, from Passover to Pentecost.
If your faith is important to you, it is important to us. We teach respect for other peoples’ views and beliefs with an understanding that it is acceptable to disagree and believe in different things.
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What they say about us
I have three children and am very proud to say that all of my children started their academic journey at The Minster and have always come home from school beaming with delight from the fantastic day they have experienced.
Promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is very effective, ensuring that pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Subject leaders are motivated and well informed. They understand pupils’ strengths and weaknesses in their subjects.
The headteacher and deputy headteacher provide determined and ambitious leadership. They are well supported by senior leaders, and they know the school well.
The RE lead is highly skilled. Her action research project on subject-specific vocabulary for RE has had a noticeable effect on pupils as research outcomes are applied to curriculum planning.
This diverse school community prides itself on its inclusive and distinctively Christian ethos. They have a rich, values-led RE curriculum.