On the 1st September 2014, a new Special Educational Needs Code of Practice, later updated in 2015, became law. This has some significant changes to the old code of practice. The SEN Code of Practice still identifies SEND pupils as those with needs that are additional to and different from their peers, and defines an SEN child as ‘having a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special education provision to be made for him or her’. In short:
- The code of practice covers children and young people from the age of 0 – 25.
- The old SEN categories of School Action and School Action Plus have been replaced by an overarching term as pupils having a SEND need/SEN support
- All settings should adopt a graduated approach with four stages of action: assess, plan, do and review.
- Where a setting makes special educational provision for a child with SEN they should inform the parents and a maintained nursery school must inform the parents
- Schools, Academy Trusts and Local Authorities are expected to publish their Special Needs Information on their websites
Croydon Local Offer
Activities, information and services for those with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
The Local Offer provides information and advice about services that children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies. It also provides information on a wide range of activities to do in and around Croydon. Please click here for more information.
Croydon Locality SEND Support (CLSS)
We are a part of an initiative by Croydon Council called the Croydon Locality SEND Support (CLSS), which aims to improve support for children who live in Croydon and have special needs or disabilities.
Along with several other schools in our local area, we are able to apply for funding to provide earlier and better-targeted help to support those with SEND. This partnership also gives us the opportunity to work closely with our local schools to get the necessary help and support for children who are are unable to have their needs met despite quality first teaching and therefore require further intervention.
This early help may be in the form of professional and research-driven advice, school to school support, referral to specialist services or additional services that can be put in place.
Below are useful links for you – parents and carers, to explore:
The link is a BBC programme on dyslexia – it’s by Michael Rosen, the children’s author. Michael Rosen talks in depth about dyslexia: what it is, how to understand it and useful advice for parents, with expert Professor Maggie Snowling CBE, President of St John’s College, Oxford.
The below is about dyscalculia: This has information about the science behind dyscalculia.
Information Leaflets/Links to Self-Referrals
Please see the attached and hyperlinks for further information about events and support available in the local area.
The National Autistic Society (NAS) provides advice and guidance as well as a number of support services, including parenting support and after school clubs. They can support parents in understanding their child’s diagnosis and link families in with local support services.
Parents in Partnership (Mencap) support parents and carers of children aged 0-25 with SEND. They can offer one to one support from a Family Link Worker and run information workshops and training.
Kids SENDIASS provide advocacy support and guidance to parents and carers of children with additional needs and/or disabilities. Kids SENDIASS can offer parents and carers support with Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP), including annual reviews, mediation and tribunals. They can also assist parents/ carers with understanding and completing forms and attending meetings (e.g. with the local authority, education provider).
The Croydon Support and Interventions team offer parenting programmes for parents and carers of children aged 0 to 18 years, including Stepping Stones, a 9-week parenting programme for parents/ carers of children with additional needs or disabilities. Children do not need to have a formal diagnosis for parents/ carers to access the Stepping Stones programme.
The Charlie Waller Trust is a national mental health charity. They run a series of live webinars for parents, carers and educators. Topics include ‘The Teen Brain’, ‘Sleep’, ‘Perfectionism’ and ‘Supporting the Mental Health of Children with SEND’. Further to this, see: https://thesleepcharity.org.uk/national-sleep-helpline/
Off the Record are a counselling service for young people aged 14-25. They also run the ‘Young Carers project’, open to any children and young people aged 7-25 who are caring for a parent or sibling. Off The Record also run online workshops for parents and carers on topics such as school refusals and self-harm.
Croydon Drop In provide outreach support through their TalkBus as well as one to one counselling to children and young people aged 10-25, who live, work or study in Croydon.
Anna Freud – a child mental health research, training and treatment charity based in London – provides a range of specialist types of support for children, young people and families, seeing them at the Centre, in schools and other settings. The overarching aim of the Centre’s services is to build resilience and to help children, young people and families who are in distress.
The SEND team at the Minster Junior School is led by the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, Mr D Francis.
If you have any questions at all regarding your child’s current special needs or you think your child may need additional support, please do not hesitate to contact either your child’s class teacher or Mr Francis (Inclusion Manager) on 02086885844 (option 2).