Music is an everyday part of The Minster Junior School life!
We are proud to say that every child in Year 3 learns either a cello or violin as part of the Croydon Sound Start Project and all children will know how to play an instrument by time they leave us in Year 6. All other year groups gets a dedicated 30-45 minute music teacher every week with our Music Lead, where they learn a wide range of musical skills such as listening, appreciating, music theory, the history of music, music technology, composition and performance, all based around different genres of music linked to their cornerstones curriculum topics. We offer pupils the opportunity to use percussion instruments in these lessons and this year have introduced guitars and ukuleles as part of our practical performance teaching.
All children may join a choir which is drawn together for special events such as the Christmas fair or services in the Minster. We aim to share our musical activities with the wider community for example at Croydon Minster or local schools. We also offer pupils private Piano Percussion, Violin and Cello lessons which are taught in school by private tutors. As a Church of England school, we hold daily worship during which we learn and sing a range of songs and hymns related to our faith. We enjoy more popular and current songs too and these are taught in our dedicated ‘hymn practice’ collective worship sessions once a fortnight.