At The Minster Junior School, we firmly believe that all children have the potential to achieve highly in mathematics. We aim to inspire in our pupils a love for mathematical enquiry, not only through maths lessons but also through the other cross-curricular experiences they are offered, such as enrichment workshops, online learning platforms, maths related work in science, geography and other subjects. We expect that when children leave us for the challenges of secondary school, they are ready, able and confident mathematicians.
Our long and medium term teaching plans are aligned with the objectives of the National Curriculum. In our school, we follow the teaching for mastery approach and use a number of resources mainly White Rose Maths. The mastery approach for the teaching of mathematics is research-based and evidence-informed, where children master mathematical fluency through conceptual understanding and apply this to problem solving. Pupils think deeply about varied mathematical problems and have a chance to work collaboratively to solve them. They are guided to use precise mathematical vocabulary and to choose efficient methods of calculation.